Gin moku
Créateur de bonsaïs français
Ginmoku Bonsai, the money tree
Siret: 900 743 378 00011 / 38640 Claix
Photographs: Ginmoku Bonsai & Hugo Dureisseix
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Informations Légales
Gin moku bonsai is a micro enterprise Micro enterprise registered with the Chamber of Trades and Crafts of Auvergne Rhône-Alpes under number 900 743 378 00011.
It is represented by Léo Gin Di Mario as manager, domiciled at 5 allée du château de la Balme 38640 Claix , Isère, France.
The company can be contacted by email at the following address:
For more information you can consult our General Conditions by clicking on the link at the bottom of the page on the right .
Our website was created and edited by Léo Gin Di Mario and is hosted by the company Flazio, in the same way as the setting up and management of Cookies.
The domain name is registered by Flazio SARL.
Responsible for publication on the site: Léo Gin Di Mario
The domain name and the Flazio brand are registered by Flazio SRL.
General conditions of use of the site:
Trademarks, domain names, products, images, photographs, videos, texts and ideas or more generally any information that may fall under intellectual property rights are and remain the exclusive property of Gin moku bonsai and Léo Gin Di Mario. Any total or partial reproduction, modification or use of these goods for any reason whatsoever is strictly prohibited and will result in legal proceedings.